University Campus - the benefits and challenges of crafting an inclusive environment in a mini city
The fifth NRAC online event is on Thursday 17 November 2022 - the session will be from 9:30am to 12:45pm.
Jenny Wheeler is the Estates Accessibility Officer at the University of Warwick and an NRAC consultant. Jenny will co-present with colleague George Saxon, Head of Transport Systems & Operations, to discuss the University of Warwick’s approach to an inclusive public realm and transport initiatives on campus whilst tackling emerging ecoableism trends seen across the country.
The University of Warwick is a campus University on the border between Coventry and Warwickshire. The size of the University and its community means that it has all the challenges of a town centre covering residential, commercial, social and workplace requirements. The University were also proud to host athletes, officials, and country representatives for the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham 2022, with half of campus turned into the Athletes' Village supporting over 2,000 athletes and 70+ countries. This presented an interesting dynamic between security and inclusive environment.
For a campus University, having more autonomy over the public realm areas certainly has its benefits over a city-based university, but how can you use this to your advantage to develop a more inclusive environment on campus and what are the challenges still faced?
The University is actively exploring future mobility and active travel initiatives including hosting an eScooter trial on campus and on demand services supporting communities where fixed services might not be practicable. They will share how the University worked collaboratively with the eScooter trial provider Voi to ensure that the eScooter provision on campus actively reduced the impact on disabled people compared to other schemes across the country.
The speakers announced previously are:
- Hanna Malik-Trocha will be talking about "Access City Award for City of Warsaw";
- Andrew Lord and Rachael Marshall will be talking about " M4(3) in practice: observations and interpretations".
Please click here to book your place, or email if you have any questions about reasonable adjustments.
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